Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Article Discussion

Today we discussed three different articles that seem relevant to our study. I found some things about this discussion very interesting because there were certain asepcts of the studies the directly coorelated with ours. For example, the way they marked there control points were (after some trial and error) the same way we decided to mark our control points. Furthermore, the methods of other studies provide us with either confirmation that our method design seem promising or insight into possible ways to alter our methods if they aren't promising.

I really like the idea in "Monitoring River-Channel Change Using Terrestrial Oblique Digital Imagery and Automated Digital Photogrammetry" of measuring cross-section distances as an additional means of checking accuracy.

Although the construction seems challenging, the idea of using a unipod is also very appealing because it greatly minimizes the need for perspective correction when processing the photos due to the more top-down view of the stream  (Photogrammetric Monitoring of Small Stream Under a Riparian Forest Canopy).

After creating and trying out different ground control point designs in a sandy spot near the stream we have decided on a design and will be very busy making replicas next week! Hopefully the weather cooperates so we can take our square AND control points to our next field day trial and obtain the necessary data required for the photo processing softwares.

1 comment:

  1. With regards to cross-sections, we can try to position some/lots of the control points directly across the stream from each other, which would make the distance a cross-section.
