of Method 1
Tape Measures
Yellow Rope
Markers/tape (something that we could use to mark on the yellow rope
across the stream to be able to measure it on land)
Yard Sticks
String (just in case we run out of yellow tape)
Graph Paper
Colored Pencils
Regular Pencils
Calculator (if needed for on-site conversions?)
Paper- to be used as a back drop so the laser can be seen clearly &
to record distances
Materials in Question
-Control points (to place at the locations that we measure, then a
picture can be taken from the bridge to be used as a reference when determining
the outline of the bank between measured points)
-graph paper/colored pencils/ruler may only be necessary back in the
lab to make the detailed graph unless someone is good at drawing and wants to
make a rough sketch at the Duck Creek Site
-determine an appropriate unit conversion and print graph paper that
would work best
-determine what we will define as the “outline” (sandy part vs bank)
-set up stakes/poles on both sides of the bank (place them where a
straight line could be formed along the bank without any of them being in the
water as in picture above…aka near the outermost bank edge)
-use a laser to
ensure they are in a straight line and use a protractor at each one to confirm the
angle between the laser and the stakes are consistent (This step needs some
more thinking…)
-use yellow rope to connect the lines
-measure cross sectional distances of stream as follows
-First measure the
distance from water’s edge to water’s edge
-at the same point
next measure the distance from stream to rope on both sides
-measure as many points along the stream as time and access will allow
-use unit conversion to graph outline on graph paper
-if we decide cameras would be a good idea, the control points should have
been placed as measurements were taken then, once finished, take a picture from
the bridge of the outline (I’m thinking a top-down view would be the most beneficial)
and use this picture to get an idea of the stream outline in the areas between
the measured points on the bank
-another method to fill in the “in-between” data if enough points
cannot be found would be to compare it with David’s Photosynth images or Kyle’s
Hugin work that stitched images together
Potential Problems
-the water level being too high and not allowing for an accurate
distance measurement between the yellow rope and the stream
-the bank not being wide enough to be able to place stakes in a
parallel line
-difficulty accessing the edge of stream due to bank steepness
-time consuming
Potential Solutions
-only use this method as a means of checking the accuracy of distances or
general outline rather than an actual method to map the entire stream outline
-the cross
sectional distances could be used in combination with the photo method to
determine accuracy of perspective correction
-could move stakes into the edge of the water on the interior line
-pack some rain
boots or old shoes because we’d be getting right in the stream
-the methods for
this would be very similar to the previous (and maybe even more ideal due to
the water level that may not go down enough to reach the banks)
- rather than
placing the straight yellow string on the outside of the stream we could place
it directly inside the innermost bank on each side and measure from the inside
out as seen in the picture below
method may also be more accurate because the distance between the yellow string
and the stream could be measured at the same level
Example of Method 2
If anyone sees anything missing or any other
potential problems please let everyone know so we can think of a solution or
revise the methods!